Support Ukraine and Georgia against Russian agression! Join to support the USA! Support freedom of speech - display the Muhammed image on your website!

The most important thing now is to persuade the USA and NATO leaders not to be afraid to use military force against the fascist Russia. Please read and share as wide as possible: Why America Should Not Be Afraid of a War Against Russia
Taiwan vs. Ukraine. Where Is the F*cking Logic?

Also, please share my poem #TheWeakestGeneration. Guilty and the tag #TheWeakestGeneration as the antonym to "The greatest generation", condemning the weakness and cowardice of the modern Western leaders. The topic is continued in the poem The Formula of Peace (translated by ChatGPT).

More about the real essence of Russia:
Exodus (Russia: The Beast, Not the Beauty) (article, 2010 - see how actual it is now!)
Do Not Feed! (song, 2020)
More songs:
Bombs away! (Russia, good-bye!)
Run, Russian, run!
Welcome to Ukraine, Russian piece of shit!

Russia is the CANCER of humankind. The world will NEVER be safe until Russia is ELIMINATED FOREVER.
And I know it better than any Western "expert". I was born and spent the first 38 years of my life there.

Welcome to the website of George Right (Yury Nesterenko) - SF/fantasy/horror writer, poet (and song wtiter), independent journalist and amateur photographer. I am (unfortunately) of Russian origin, but I left that damned Empire of Evil forever, and now I am an American living in the USA (please never call me "Russian" again!). While most of materials on my website are in Russian, below you can see a list of texts and other stuff which can be interesting to English speakers (and to people who know some other languages).

I am greatly interested in translation and publishing of my SF, horror and fantasy novels and other texts in the USA and other countries (in any languages). I am also interested in cooperation with computer games developers (I was a co-author of several Russian games, including critically acclaimed "Space Rangers"), film makers (many of my readers told me they eager to watch movies based on my stories!), graphic novels creators and so on. So if you can help - contact me! Any form of cooperation is possible and welcome. I have LOTS of ideas for those who need them! See details on the annotation page. Till now, 7 of my books were sold in Russia, also many of my stories and short novels were published in anthologies and magazines in several countries.

For now, you may read some of my short texts in English below or buy these my books:

E-Book editions:
Product Details Product Details Product Details

You can also look at my photos (aviation, cars, nature and others) here (older) and here (newer) and watch my videos at my youtube channel; here is my article based on my visit to Georgia (a country in Caucasus, not a US state; the article is in Russian, but it is illustrated with more than 200 beautiful photos of modern Georgia). Also you can look at some fan-art for my novels ("Hunting for an Island" and "Time of Sword"). And here are big-sized cover and back cover of my book "The Wings".

And here is my music in form of PDF scores and youtube videos. Lyrics may be Russian. English or German, but music is universal anyway, so click the icons even if you don't understand the titles ;)

However, for now I have nor publishers nor agents, and I DO REALLY NEED MONEY FOR A LIVING. I have NO OTHER INCOME except for the donations from my Internet visitors. So, if you like anything on my website, please support me with any sum:

Zelle (no transaction fees, US bank account needed) for

BTC 14ozyVuh2myB1Nxqz2wVQ2vfXtgd8mP7ov
ETH 0x311b5964C36098CCe66885cb373A727D2B7Bd840 
I Need Your Support!

Table of contents

Prose Annabelle (short siory) (NEW!)
Granite Fields (SF short novel) Trailer
Animal Control (horror story)
Story of the Wise Wisher (flash story)
The Toy (horror novel)
See Paris and Die (realistic short siory)
Absolute Power (fantasy short siory)
The Wings (fragment of SF novel)
The Farm (SF short siory, published in BuzzyMag)
Ad majorem (AH short siory)
Altruists (SF short siory)
Non-fiction Deal (cartoon) (2024)
Taiwan vs. Ukraine. Where Is the F*cking Logic?! (2023)
Why America Should Not Be Afraid of a War Against Russia (2022)
No, Mr. Biden, I Will Not Comply! (2020)
Why Did You Lose Your Dignity? (2020)
Why You Cannot Change Sex: It's Science, not Religion (2020)
The Cargo Cult of Masks (2020)
Goodbye to Discover Bank (2020)
Exodus (other translations:Estonian Ukrainian)
Nine signs they're selling you a sack of shit
Poems and Songs Black and White Autumn
Bombs Away! (Russia, Good-bye!)
Desperate Blues
Do Not Feed!
Endless Game
"Enjoy the silence"
Gottesvogel (in German)
Herbst ("Der ferne Glockenklang...") (in German)
Landserlied Видеоклип
Long live Irinthia (Irinthian national anthem from the novel "The Queen's Game")
Luftwaffelied (Es rollt der Motor) (in German)
Mai (in German)
Oh Titus Vespasian, Caesar of Rome (translated by ChatGPT)
"Processing data is the only thing..."
Right to Hate
Royal Guard Anthem (from the novel "The Queen's Game")
Run, Billy, run!
Run, Russian, run!
Spring Song
Take Off And Fight!
The Formula of Peace (translated by ChatGPT)
#TheWeakestGeneration. Guilty
To the Last American Hero (NEW!)
To Optimist in Russia
Troops of Satan
Verzweiflung (in German)
Welcome to Ukraine, Russian Piece of Shit!
Your brave new world just does not work
Translations 5400 (8200) (Boris Grebenschikov)
Arlequin's song
Comrade Medvedev (Rabfak)
Crystal Balls (Boris Grebenshchikov)
For greater glory of your Greece... (Michael Shcherbakov)
Islands (Michael Shcherbakov)
Little Girlie (Crematorium)
Loud Thoughts (self translation)
Midnight (Night before the War)(Tam Greenhill)
National Anthem of Ukraine
O my comrade, in your final misery... (Ion Degen)
The Black Cat (Michael Tanich)
What a Nightmare...(Michael Shcherbakov)
Wind of North (Tam Greenhill)
"Yet the grayest of skies can be hardly compared to land..." (self translation)
Humour 0A programmers
Applied monsterology
Computer Bible
Desert Storm - 2, or WinWars 2002
    (other translations: German, Spanish, Polish, Bolgarian)
From the notes of the African explorer
"God, give me memory..."
Hardware Problem
If Bill Gates were a police chief...
If "Titanic" would have been completed a 100 years later...
If programmers were builders...
Land of the Free
Project Genesis (other translations: Bolgarian)
Sacrifice (comic strip) What I've learned about America from Hollywood films
Soft & other stuff HTMLgen v.2.5 - if you have many files and want to generate an html list of them, use this utility. It also makes thumbnails for you.
Advanced renamer- if you need to rename files named prefixSOMELETTERSpostfix.ext to prefix2SOMELETTERSpostfix2.ext, just run:
rnm prefix*postfix.ext prefix2*postfix2.*
DATE.CPP - C++ class for work with DOS filedate format
Cleaner - File garbage collector (set condition and delete matching files through the whole disk)
DBFviewer - tiny DBF viewer
Siegparade - Mission pack for "Il-2 Sturmovik: 1946" flight sim
Winamp Castle - skin for Winamp music player
The Battle Tetris - cool small DOS game for 2 players; it has Russian doc, but English interface. It is easy to understand, but if you need doc, inform me, I'll write English ver. ;)
TSR jokes - tiny DOS jokes (not viruses or so on!). Written in ancient times, so you need an util to slow down your computer to watch these jokes.
Bugfix for Crimson Skies Game - restore your lost savefile!

Don't hesitate to e-mail me! You can also contact or follow mw on gab.con.

And please help to keep me and my website up and running:

Zelle (no transaction fees, US bank account needed) for
or Wise for: 
    Account Number: 7010141420 
    Routing Number: 031100649 
    Bank: Discover Bank 
    Name: George Right
or crypto:
BTC 14ozyVuh2myB1Nxqz2wVQ2vfXtgd8mP7ov
ETH 0x311b5964C36098CCe66885cb373A727D2B7Bd840
Support Me Here!